

from flickr.com

Eat Your Dinner!

from flickr.com

Shanghai, Aug. 13, 2006. Rolleiflex 2.8, Ilford Delta. Dusk. From "Disappearing Shanghai." A beautifully printed catalog from this show is available for $15 on request.


Top 10 Ways to Stay Energized

Even if you're a hyper-organized, task-oriented worker with an expansive mind and endless ambition, you won't get a lot done if your mind and body are demanding you curl up and doze off. Luckily, you can overcome a late night of net surfing, a rough morning, or just the post-lunch stupor without becoming an over-wired mess. We've put together 10 of the best ways to jumpstart your brain and get back into a productive groove, and all of them are tricks you can put to work this Monday. Photo by neps.

10. Make your own energy products.

If you're going to resort to a brick of grains and protein to give you short-term "power" or "energy," you may as well have it be cheap—and tastier than those foil-wrapped roofing tiles. Same goes for re-hydrating drinks, which can be easily mixed at home. Foodie extraordinaire Alton Brown has recipes for three different home-baked bars, as does About.com's Sports Medicine section. Of course, there's always the free stuff flowing from the tap for true replenishment.

9. Listen to brain-stretching music.

Among other tips offered up by software programmer Brad Isaac for beating "brain drain," the exhaustion that comes from sustained concentration, is working a little Mozart or Bach into your playlist. There's no overly hook-y melody to pull your mind away, and the harmony of so many instruments together relaxes your mind. Strings and brass not your thing? Try the non-intrusive, up-tempo ambient of Groove Salad.

8. Deal with job burnout.

Even if you're generally happy with your job, the people you work with, and the work you're doing, small annoyances and responsibilities can build up over time, until a dark, angry cloud hangs over you seven and a half hours per day. Seriously—feeling overwhelmed by your tasks was the second most frequent response in our poll on energy zappers. The Simple Dollar blog recommends scheduling an immediate vacation to take care of piling-up home stuff and set your mind free. Web Worker Daily suggests finding a new project. However you handle burnout, keeping an even head about your job gives you a lot more energy to spend on stuff that's a lot more fun.

7. Schedule around your energy peaks.

Writer and speaker Michelle Dunn describes herself as "very organized," but there are times of the day she just can't be productive. So when she's about to hit a lull—like right after lunch—she schedules errands and tackles non-thinking tasks, and otherwise schedules around her energy. Of course, not everybody can just run off to Target whenever they're feeling blah, so 43 Folders honcho Merlin Mann explains subtle ways to work inside your schedule.

6. Get outside—even if it's cloudy.

Even if you live in one of those areas with perma-gray skies for two-thirds of the year, getting outside every day can give you a vitamin D boost and the resulting mood and energy improvements. The National Institutes of Health recommends getting 10 to 15 minutes of sun each day, and a layer of sunscreen if you're getting more. Even better, you get away from the screens, voicemails, and low-level humming of the office.

5. Crank out some morning exercises.

You know those mornings where you have to get right up and do something with a deadline? The groans about coffee and sleep fall away, and you usually get it done. Give yourself a now-now-now pushup cycle right after your breakfast, and you might just shake off your sluggish self-doubt and get moving. If you're looking to get more out of your morning time, personal trainer Dan Boyle offers a two and a half minute core routine that'll definitely leave you aware that you're awake.

4. Eat the right nutrition mix.

Sugar and bread give you a quick jolt of energy, but ultimately result in an insulin-powered crash later in the day. Too much meat doesn't give you enough of the quick-firing stuff. Balancing out your lunch, instead of just eating leftover pasta, can have a big impact on your day, according to the Harvard School of Public Health Nutrition Source. As Lifehacker guest editor (and current io9 editor) Annalee Newitz puts it:

3. Put your senses to work.

If you're stuck at work after a rough night, chances are you'll be staring at a hypnotizing screen or look-alike paperwork and finding it hard to stay awake. WikiHow suggests a multi-sensory assault on your tired self. Try scenting yourself awake with some essential oils of (or just strong scent of) peppermint or rosemary, or target the alertness-sparking stress points like your earlobes and the skin between your thumb and forefinger. Keep yourself a little chilly, and try to move around a bit—it's your best shot at not having the boss notice you haven't said a word since 9AM.

2. Switch from venti to smaller caffeine doses.

Slamming half a carafe of coffee to get alert and productive is kind of like pounding a six-pack to get social and funny—you're going to miss your mark, in often painful ways. Research suggests that small, frequent doses of caffeine—like tea breaks, caffeinated mints, and even chocolate—do a better job of keeping your brain from feeling fatigued than jitter-inducing java. Of course, if you've got the willpower and patience, you could also just drink half-cups of coffee more frequently.

1. Master the power nap.

Taking a nap isn't calling it quits on getting energized—it's just running a quick defrag on your neural drive and rebooting. We've covered the ins and outs of napping pretty thoroughly here, but if you need a quick take-away, try the Boston Globe's comprehensive cheat sheet. If shut-eye alone can't bring you back, try a coffee-charged caffeine nap.

reprint from lifehacker.com

red world

from flickr.com




Tokyo City Lights

from flickr.com



from flickr.com


Love at first sight

from flickr.com


Beinecke Library

from wikimedia.com

TOKYO 2006

from behance.net


Chrome / Windows XP

Firefox3.0/windows XP










a woman works in a rice paddy near Singur

from boston.com

A woman works in a rice paddy near Singur, about 50 km (31 miles) north of the eastern Indian city of Kolkata August 27, 2008. (REUTERS/Parth Sanyal) #

Father & Son

from flickr.com


  我与父亲不相见已二年余了,我最不能忘记的是他的背影 。







cool icon

from yupoo.com


Barack Obama has a beautiful smile

from flickr.com

≈ Gabe & I went to see Obama today with flickr friends

He looks damn happy,what i want to say to this guy is"who laughs last,who laughs best"

McCain's gmail?

from bannedinhollywood.com


It's Been Three Months!

from office-humour.co.uk



有一个meebo ,不错,周五在office死活上不了msn,幸好公司用的是qq联系的,msn是公司白领用的,我们不是white collar,所以用qq.




Beluga Whale

from flickr.com
Posing nicely for the pic. This one was a flirt. The water was so clear.

Rolled Fondant

from allrecipes.com

混合着黑白两色的 chocolate 软糖( fondant ),并把她涂在cake上

"Makes a perfectly smooth coating for cakes. Roll it out to 1/4 inch thickness for best results. Glucose and glycerin can be found at most cake decorating supply stores. You may color it with three drops of whatever food coloring you desire."


1 (.25 ounce) package unflavored gelatin
1/4 cup cold water
1/2 cup glucose syrup
1 tablespoon glycerin
2 tablespoons shortening
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

8 cups sifted confectioners' sugar


1.Combine gelatin and cold water; let stand until thick. Place gelatin mixture in top of double boiler and heat until dissolved.

2.Add glucose and glycerin, mix well. Stir in shortening and just before completely melted, remove from heat and stir in vanilla. Mixture should cool until lukewarm.

3.Place 4 cups confectioners' sugar in a large bowl. Make a well in the center and using a wooden spoon, stir in the lukewarm gelatin mixture. Mix in sugar and add more a little at a time, until stickiness disappears. Knead in remaining sugar. Knead until the fondant is smooth, pliable and does not stick to your hands. If fondant is too soft, add more sugar; if too stiff, add water (a drop at a time). Use fondant immediately or store in airtight container in fridge. When ready to use, bring to room temperature and knead again until soft.





















New York, September 3, 2008--
from nationalgeographic.com

The geckos are native to their namesake French territory in the South Pacific Ocean. Scientists thought the species was extinct until a population was rediscovered in 1994.


Mumbai, India, September 14, 2008
from nationalgeographic.com

a statue of the elephant god Ganesh toward the sea to close a ten-day festival in his honor.

Thousands of clay statues of the god of prosperity are made each year and carried through the streets as revelers sing and dance.

Security was high following a series of bomb blasts a day earlier in Delhi that killed 21 people. The Mumbai festivities went smoothly, The Times of India reported.


The first Air Bus A-380 aircraft was delivered to Singapore Airlines. It's maiden flight was from Singapore to Sydney Australia.




STR/AFP/Getty Images



Lady in blue

from flickr.com


from boston.com






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